Alumni and Friends Making an Impact

Cindy Brentlinger Palafox ’14
Mexico is a long way from the walls of the University of Dayton, but thankfully, UD gave Cindy Brentlinger Palafox ’14 the wings to fly. For the past six years, Palafox has been serving Tijuana Christian Mission, a children's home with locations in both Tijuana and Rosarito, Mexico. Palafox was a junior when she first visited TCM during a winter breakout trip.
“God sparked something inside of me on that trip. He began to show me my calling. After a few years of doubting this calling, I said “yes” and moved full-time into the orphanage,” said Palafox.
Putting her early childhood education degree to work in a way she hadn’t originally envisioned, Palafox strives to guide the kids at TCM toward Christ, to lead them toward healing and growth and walk with them as they take steps toward their futures. For her, “learn, lead and serve” has a higher meaning.
“I do not see myself as a leader, however, I do strive to lead,” said Palafox. “If we can say that we are honoring God through the ways we are learning, leading and serving in our positions, we are doing the best that we can do.
Palafox hasn’t forgotten how she found her way to TCM, either. She remains connected to Campus Ministry, helping organize service trips for current Flyers to the orphanage.
“To me, my “job” isn't really a job. It's a calling. It’s hard work, but something I love to do,” said Palafox.