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And the Stand-Ups Are...

Nearly 50 brave, funny souls signed up to perform at the Attendee Stand-Up Comedy Night at 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 22, at the Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop.

Unfortunately, we can only accommodate 18 performers. We randomly picked a dozen (below) to perform along with the winner (Kim Reynolds) and first- and second runner-up (Kate Mock Elliott and Karen Jaffe) of Erma’s Got Talent, a pre-workshop virtual event held in May. Because this night has become such a popular event at the workshop, comedian Wendy Liebman will choose another three people from the hilarious writers she meets in her Stand-Up Comedy Boot Camp at 2 p.m., Friday, Oct. 21, in room M2265 at Daniel J. Curran Place.

If you weren’t selected, we encourage you to attend Wendy’s boot camp and make your best comedic pitch for why you should be included.  The boot camp is open to all attendees interested in learning more about writing and performing stand-up comedy, not just those who are performing Saturday night. 

A short rehearsal for the stand-up performers is scheduled for 3:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 22, in the Kiefaber Room near the ballroom at the University of Dayton Marriott.

Here are the performers:

Pat Shea, Northport, New York
Tom Starling, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Angela Kline, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Edward Hosbach II, Coldwater, Ohio
Ginger Claremohr, Thorntown, Indiana
Chris Gaffney, Wolcott, Connecticut
Andrea Caspari, Kansas City, Missouri
David Volk, Seattle, Washington
Amanda Nowotny, New Castle, Pennsylvania
Angeles Verges, Ypsilanti, Michigan
Jonathan Wofford, Atlanta, Georgia
Andrea Gelfuso, Lakewood, Colorado

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