
How Rare: A Three-Page Letter Via Snail Mail
By Raymond Reid
Every now and then I get emails from folks who have read my columns in the Kernersville News and other papers around the country through syndication. One of my most favorable columns was the one about the Medicare Hotline and Joe Namath saying for the millionth time, “Call now. IT’S FREE!!!" I caught some flack about my “Three Pack a Day” column from a lady who thought I was referring to cigarettes instead of the subject of my column, coffee, and the fact that I was a three pack a day Sweet ‘N Low guy. Evidently, she didn’t read the column, just the headline. The same thing happened with my “Husband Appreciation Day” column.
At least two women actually called the paper to complain about that one. It didn’t matter that the editor told them I was a humor columnist, and that they missed the whole point of the column. But I’ve never gotten a letter in the mail, written in cursive, until the other day. It was actually mailed to the Kernersville News office. It was a three-page, hand-written letter praising my column about Garrison Keillor.
The lady said early on that I was her favorite columnist and that she was from Keillor’s neck of the woods, Saint Paul, Minnesota. She moved to Kernersville several years ago to live with her daughter. I figured anyone that would write a letter in cursive these days didn’t have email capabilities. And I was right. About halfway through her letter, she told me she was 90 years old (and probably couldn’t care less about email). Still, not having an email address today is like not having a home address.
Just about everything from bank accounts to ordering online requires an email address. Without an email address, I’d have to give up my fantasy baseball team, Amazon Prime account, Book of the Month Club, Naked Wines membership and a whole lot more. Other than signing my name, I don’t remember the last time I wrote in cursive.
In this day of texting, tweeting and posting on social media, it was refreshing to receive an old-fashioned letter written in cursive in a licked envelope with a stamp on it. No electronics needed. Pencils and pens don’t need to be charged. Just pick one up, grab a piece of paper, and start writing.
We’re addicted today to our digital electronics, and I’m just as guilty as anyone. So I think I’ll spend today “unplugged." (Right after I email this column, check out the Naked Wines special, see how my fantasy baseball did last night, finish reading my eBook, and checking my blood pressure, blood oxygen level, heart rate, stand time, exercise minutes and flights climbed on my new Apple Watch.)
-Raymond Reid
Raymond Reid is a national award-winning humor columnist. He can be contacted at