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Who's Publishing What: Write Without the Fight

Julia Roberts’ new book, Write Without the Fight: Master Your Creative Process to Write with Ease and Satisfaction, is designed to help writers predict and prevent their own slide into procrastination and writer’s block. The book is filled with scientifically tested tools and “Try It” worksheets about how, why and when writers write well (and why, sometimes, not so much.)

Writers can gain confidence and creativity in their writing work using the insights and scientific tools Roberts illustrates in her book. She taps into the surprising science of creativity and her coach training to give the reader grounded, proven, easy-to-use methods to gain clarity, find ideas, and structure and finish the work.

“What gets you back to the keyboard, to keep moving forward, to inspire you or light the creative fire?” asks Joel Madison, Peabody Award-winning television writer in the foreword. “What Julia teaches goes way beyond craft.”

Julia holds a master’s degree in the science of creativity and is certified as a life coach and creativity coach. She’s also the author of the bestseller Sex, Lies & Creativity — Gender Differences in Creative Thinking (Difference Press, 2014). She will perform a TEDx talk, “It’s Not Just Mojo, The Surprising Science of Creativity,” in the summer of 2022.

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