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Who's Publishing What: Gals Guide Anthology: Women of History

Angie Klink’s piece, “Limber as a Rag,” will be part of Gals Guide Anthology: Women of History published by the Gals Guide Library, the first women’s history library in the United States. The release date is March 19, but pre-orders are available here.

The chapter is part of Klink’s work-in-progress dual memoir about how she was affected by her mother’s tragic life. The title, Limber as a Rag, comes from her mother’s description of her own childhood as a self-taught acrobat. She said, “Outside, I’d do stunts, and even at the park I’d draw a crowd. Everybody would just stand around and watch me. You wouldn’t think so now, but I was as limber as a rag.” For years, Klink did, indeed, think her mother was as limber as a rag, an unscathed survivor of trauma — until the accumulation of pain drove her mother to self-destruction. Shocked and heartbroken, Klink strove to save her.

Klink is the author of eight books. She writes biographies, histories, documentaries, children’s books, essays and advertising copy.

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