Recent Posts

Students and Campus Life
March 19, 2021
7 Steps to Search and Browse CAP Courses
Whether you’re a student or a faculty/advisor, here’s a 7-steps guide to help you find CAP Courses offered each semester.

March 18, 2021
Financial Markets: It is Not What They Are, But What You Do With Them
The financial systems’ ability to pool resources to fund projects and share risks is unparalleled and has shaped the world we live in. Dr. Maria Vivero reflects on how CAP 305/FIN 200, a new course offered by the Department of Economics and Finance combines discussions on finance, diversity and social justice.

Students and Campus Life
February 25, 2021
Finding Passion and Hope While Celebrating Diversity
Amira Fitzpatrick ’22 reflects on how courses in the Common Academic Program prepared her to engage in her own history as well as the histories of other underrepresented groups on campus.

Students and Campus Life
January 25, 2021
A House is Not Built in One Day
Samuel Attea ’22 reflects on how courses in the Common Academic Program prepared him to partake in a Flyer Consulting project for Fundacion Raiz in Ecuador.

Faculty and Staff
December 04, 2020
Attending the 2021 Learning Teaching Forum? Here’s a DSJ Sessions Guide
The 2021 Learning Teaching Forum — 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, January 8 — will focus on the most important lessons that educators at the University of Dayton have learned about teaching and learning since the spring 2020 semester. This blog highlights all sessions tackling equity, inclusion, diversity and social justice issues.

Faculty and Staff
December 02, 2020
Responsive and Adaptive: The Common Academic Program (CAP) in a Time of Distress
The 2021 Learning Teaching Forum — 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, January 8 — will focus on the most important lessons that educators at the University of Dayton have learned about teaching and learning since the spring 2020 semester. The CAP Component Coordinators will reflect on how CAP at large and its components specifically offer and create opportunities for faculty and student learning and development.