If you need open-heart surgery, as I do, the best person to perform it is a plumber.
Who also happens to be a cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon.
Using Marian Library holdings and University of Dayton expertise, visiting scholar Rebecca Janzen unearths materials for her research project on mining and religion.
While zooming down the highway at 65 miles per hour, the noggin’ squirrels began running on the intercranial treadmill, I began thinking about one of my friendships.
Innovation, entrepreneurship, and collaboration define the Stitt Scholars Program, providing students with invaluable skills for future career success.
There are no exams. No grades. No compulsory attendance. And the professors volunteer their time.
Explore how Women of Wall Street fosters confidence, leadership, and financial expertise while driving more women into the finance sector.
As much as I appreciate receiving a daily barrage of email pitches for fat removers, teeth aligners, night vision binoculars and other amazing products I can’t possibly live without, I subscribe to the theory that I can’t unsubscribe from stuff to which I never subscribed.