
After experiencing 22 years of dictatorship, The Gambia is now on a path of rebirth and reconstruction. The emblem of this movement for change is The Gambia’s National Human Rights Commission (NHRC). Established in 2017, the NHRC is composed of dedicated commissioners and staff that are professionals with a wide range of backgrounds ranging from ex police officers, lawyers, ministry of justice staff and more. However diverse their backgrounds may be, their passion for protecting and promoting human rights unifies them and allows them to work together towards making The Gambia a country that exercises human rights.

This summer, Makoro Kebe’s internship with WomHub was a catalyst for profound growth and insight, blending her passions for cybersecurity and education. Her experience highlighted the power of education and innovation in empowering women and underscoring broader social issues, emphasizing the crucial intersection of technology and social justice.

El Salvador is a country with breathtaking landscapes and a vibrant culture. It's the smallest country in Central America, but it has a population of approximately 6.5 million people. Salvadorans are friendly and hospitable. They carry within them a beacon of light that serves as a sign of hope and inspiration for those seeking peace in a troubled world.

A group of alumni and friends from the University of Dayton School of Law got to share in a once-in-a-lifetime experience at the U.S. Supreme Court.