Gudorf Chair in Catholic Intellectual Traditions

“CIT is a way of encountering new knowledge and not being afraid of it, but engaging it because our faith is alive, God is alive.”
Past McGrath Award Winners
McGrath Awardees present their research at the Catholic Intellectual Traditions Symposium in the spring term.
2024 Junior and Senior Awards
A Philosophy major with a minor in Economics, he wrote his award-winning research, “Visual Rhetoric of the Persecuted Christian Right,” for ENG 364 with Prof. Susan Trollinger.
A Religious Studies and Theology major, he wrote his award-winning research, “The Arks of Noah and Utnapishtim,” for REL 310 with Prof. Esther Brownsmith.
A Communication and English major, she wrote her award-winning research, “Excavating the Sunken Places: Analyzing Jordan Peele’s Get Out as Apocalyptic Rhetoric Comparable to Greek Hades,” for CMM/REL 359 with Profs. Meghan Henning and Robert Joseph.
2024 First-year and Sophomore Awards
An English major who wrote her award-winning research, “‘The Truth Only Dies When True Stories Are Untold’: The Story of Reconstruction in New Orleans,” for ASI 120 with Prof. David Darrow.
A Communication and Religious Studies and Theology major with a minor in Music, she wrote her award-winning research, “The Gift of the Holy Spirit,” for REL 443 with Prof. Timothy Gabrielli.
A Mechanical Engineering Technology major, he wrote his award-winning research, “‘When Would the Platonist Books Have Taught Me That?’ St. Augustine’s Dance with Neo-Platonic Reasoning,” for ASI 110 with Prof. Anthony Smith.
2023 Junior and Senior Awards
Majoring in Philosophy with a minor in Economics, Jules completed “Camus and the Absurdity of Desalination” for PHL 360.
Majoring in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Aerospace, Jacob completed “Time in Religious Philosophy: A Comparison of St. Augustine and Avicenna” for PHL 308.
Majoring in Religious Studies and Theology with a minor in Biology, Emily completed “Divine Labor and Delivery: A Woman’s Christology” for REL 490.
2023 First-year and Sophomore Awards
Double majoring in English and AYA Education, Daniel completed “Good Things Come to Those Who Train” for ASI 110.
Majoring in Entrepreneurship, Elayna completed “The Catholic Church’s Teachings on Suicide” for ENG 198.
Double majoring in Philosophy and Urban Sustainability, Eleanor completed “The ‘Midnight Incendiary’: America’s Myth of Black Violence” in ASI 120.
2022 Junior and Senior Awards

Majoring in Religious Studies and Theology, Jordan completed "Cultivating Encounter: The Theology of Philia in a Broken World" for REL 490.

A Music Therapy major, Molly completed "Rewriting 'Love Yourself" for MUS 302.

A Music Therapy major, Katie completed "Rediscovering the Music of 17th Century Nun Composers within the Modern Catholic Musical Practice" for MUS 390.
2022 First-year and Sophomore Awards

Julie, an International Studies major, completed "'The Most Beautiful Moment in Life,' a Summary and Rhetorical Analysis of Augustine’s Conversion Story" for ASI 110.

Benjamin, a Mechanical Engineering major, completed "Werner Heisenberg - A Philosophical Physicist" for ENG 198.

Eleanor, a Philosophy major, completed "He Came in like a Wrecking Ball: How Martin Luther Dismantled the Three Walls of the Romanists" for ASI 110.
2021 Junior and Senior Awards
Margaret, Music Education major, completed "Music as a Window to the Soul: The Story Behind My Senior Recital" for MUS 450.
Emma Grace, a Religious Studies and Theology major, completed "A Call for Renewal: How the Creation and Promulgation of Nostra Aetate Transformed Catholic-Jewish Relations" for REL 490.

Emily, a Biology major, completed "Natural Selection: The Eschatological Role of Nature in 1 Enoch and Snowpiercer" for CMM/REL 359.
2021 First-year and Sophomore Awards

Maya, a Health Sciences major, completed "Reconstruction's Black Church and its Role in the Healing Process" for ASI 120.

Emily, a Religious Studies and Theology major, completed "The Argument of a Modern Psychopath: I See God on Sunday" for ASI 110.

Mira, a Religious Studies and Theology major, completed "The Effects of Clerical Sexual Abuse on the God Question" for REL 250.