Hanley Sustainability Institute
Sustainability Student Leaders Program
The Sustainability Leaders Program is an experiential learning and professional development program open to all University of Dayton undergraduate students who are passionate about making the campus community more sustainable. Student Sustainability Leaders develop and lead a variety of programs and initiatives through collaboration with student groups, offices and community partners.
Starting in 2022, the HSI Food and Growing Team reinstated the UD chapter of the Food Recovery Network (FRN). FRN collects excess food from UD catering services and donates to St. Vincent de Paul, a local food bank. Since its reinstatement, the FRN has recovered over 1,000 pounds of food.
Flyer Enterprises Sustainability Consulting is a collaboration between Flyer Enterprises, UD’s student-run business and the Hanley Sustainability Institute’s Sustainable Systems team. In this joint effort, both groups work together to create and implement a sustainability-focused business model.
The neighborhood composting program collects on average 2,000 pounds of compost from the south student neighborhood. The compost is collected each week and taken to Old River Park and mixed in the on-campus in-vessel. The final composting mixture is then used in the on-campus garden.
The Sustainability Activation Program (SAP) is an interdisciplinary cohort of volunteer peer-to-peer educators. We harness the AVIATE program to facilitate sustainability education initiatives on campus.
Zero Waste Events are on campus events in which 90% of generated waste is diverted from the landfill. The goal of these events is to educate individuals on proper recycling and composting practices.
There are plenty of opportunities across the University of Dayton campus for students, faculty and staff interested in sustainability and the environment.
Next to the Food Recovery Network, composting program and Sustainability Activation Program, the HSI's Sustainability Student Leaders Program is involved in several additional projects and initiatives.
Starting in the spring 2025 semester, Marycrest Residence Hall will have new recycling hubs and zero-waste signage.
Sustainability has many different aspects to it that can make it overwhelming for students who want to be involved.
In addition to participating in a variety of sessions focused on campus sustainability, UD students facilitated a 45-minute networking session.