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Moral Courage Project

This project aims to tell the stories of “upstanders” (those who refuse to be bystanders) to identify and celebrate individuals who take risks to make important contributions to their communities during moments of crisis. In all communities, there are individuals who stand up on behalf of others in danger regardless of the risk. These people embody moral courage yet are often left out of history. This project trains students to take testimony and engage in human rights storytelling. These skills coupled with the opportunity to conduct fieldwork provide students with valuable and transformative experiences.

Working with partners enables support to organizations on the front lines. The Moral Courage project develops multi-platform, multi-media products that utilize audio recordings, photography, music, and writing to bring stories to life.

2022: Unhousing 2020: Poison & Power 2018: America the Borderland 2016: Ferguson Voices

UnHousing: Claiming the Human Right to Home

During the summer of 2022, the Moral Courage Team focused on the right to housing in Oakland, California.

Listen to the trailer of the podcast

2020: Poison & Power

During the summer of 2020, the Moral Courage Team focused on the right to access clean water in multiple locations, including Flint and Detroit, Michigan, and Appalachia.

Visit Poison & Power

2018: El Paso, Texas

2018: El Paso, Texas Moral Courage project students traveled to El Paso, Texas to interview and photograph human rights advocates, community leaders and faith leaders about their commitment to immigration rights work at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Visit America the Borderland

2016: Ferguson Voices

The people of Ferguson have a story to tell – and one that the majority of those in the United States have not heard or fully understood. The 12 stories captured in Ferguson Voices are a testament not only to the systemic discrimination that the Ferguson protests laid bare, but also to the power of transformative action taken to foster community, accountability and justice.

Visit Ferguson Voices

Human Rights Center

Keller Hall, Room 301
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2790

Get Involved

The driving force behind the Center is a diverse group of dedicated faculty, staff, and students each bringing their own expertise and knowledge to our work in the human rights arena.

Fellowships and Funding Opportunities