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Youth Programs

Human trafficking prevention programs require significant planning and preparation prior to any outreach or education of youth. Abolition Ohio and the Prevention Education and Awareness subcommittee of the Ohio Attorney General’s Human Trafficking Commission developed a guidance document that covers recommended procedures, basic educational standards, tools, resources, training materials, and a list of recommended curricula and outreach programs. This guide represents the best practices model of youth anti-human trafficking education.

This manual contains guidelines, resources, and best practices to assist with development of anti-human trafficking youth education and outreach.

Human trafficking affects Ohio youth. Approximately one-third of all cases reported to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline involve minor victims. The US Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Education both recognize human trafficking as a form of violence against children that needs to be addressed in school settings.

This guide is designed for school personnel, youth counselors, after school program personnel, anti-human trafficking organizations, concerned community members, and others.

The guidelines are primarily aimed at middle and high school students but resources are available for children from preschool to college level.

Key Steps to Follow for Any Program
  1. Training and Preparation of Trainers 
  2. Community Readiness Assessment 
  3. Prepare Assessment Plan 
  4. Educate School Personnel and Parents 
  5. Identify At-Risk Student Populations 
  6. Educate At-Risk Groups 
  7. Educate General Student Population 
  8. Assess and Report