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Women's and Gender Studies

Opportunities and Activities

The activities, programs and events sponsored by or connected with the Women's and Gender Studies Program allow students to deepen and apply their classroom knowledge while interacting with faculty, staff, other students and community partners.

Service Learning in Women's and Gender Studies

Service learning emphasizes the integration of research with social action, the application of academic knowledge to communities beyond the university, and consideration of how theory is shaped by practice and vice versa.

WGS 390: Service Learning in Women's and Gender Studies provides students with the opportunity to combine service to a community organization that meets women’s needs and/or promotes gender justice with academic research and thoughtful reflection. The Women’s and Gender Studies office keeps a file of possible placements, but students are also encouraged to propose organizations they would like to serve. Contact the Women's and Gender Studies Program and/or consult the Bulletin for more information.


Women's and Gender Studies Program

Alumni Hall
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 0322