Global Languages and Cultures
Latin American Film Festival: Communities in Action
Jan. 30-Feb. 27, 2025
The Latin American Film Festival Communities in Action showcases films that explore various aspects of agency and activism within different Latin American and Latinx communities, including First Nations, migrants, LGBTQ+, and Afro-diasporic communities. The festival aims to create engaging spaces for students, faculty and local Latinx communities to come together, share their ideas and discuss their experiences. Additionally, these films serve as valuable material for courses related to the arts, humanities, and social justice.
El Festival de Cine Latinoamericano Comunidades en Acción presenta películas que exploran diversos aspectos de agencia y activismo dentro de diferentes comunidades latinoamericanas y latinx, incluyendo las comunidades de Naciones originarias, migrantes, así como comunidades LGBTQ+ y afrodiaspóricas. El festival tiene como objetivo crear espacios interesantes para que los estudiantes, docentes y las comunidades latinx locales se reúnan, compartan sus ideas y discutan sus experiencias. Además, estas películas sirven como material valioso para su examen en cursos relacionados con las artes, las humanidades y la justicia social.
All films are free and open to the public.
Todas las películas se proyectarán de forma gratuita y abierta al público

5:30 p.m., Jan. 30, 2025, Dayton Metro Library-Main
Directed by Felipe Holguin
In a village without electricity in the Colombian Caribbean region, Laureana convinces her whole town to find a way to watch her uncle compete in a world championship boxing match. Teeming with irrepressible energy, La Suprema takes us back to 2001 Colombia and a remote village far from any beach and seemingly lost in time.
En una pequeña aldea sin electricidad del Caribe colombiano, Laureana convence a todo su pueblo para que encuentre la manera de ver a su tío competir en un campeonato mundial de boxeo. Rebosante de una energía incontenible, La Suprema nos traslada a la Colombia de 2001 y a un remoto pueblo lejos de cualquier playa y aparentemente perdido en el tiempo.
Will Include a conversation and Q&A with film director Felipe Holguín Caro (Colombia) and introductory remarks by Dr. Orlando Deavila Pertruz, Professor and Researcher at the International Institute of Caribbean Studies at Universidad de Cartagena (Colombia).

5:30 p.m., Feb. 6, 2025, Roger Glass Center for the Arts' Concert Hall
Directed by Catalina Razzini
This moving rural story is set around Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. Lucia, a 10-year-old girl, shapes her daily life around the endless wait for her father's return. Gradually, she discovers her own path and takes control of her destiny.
Esta conmovedora historia rural se desarrolla en torno al lago Titicaca, en Bolivia. Lucía, una niña de 10 años, conforma su vida cotidiana en torno a la interminable espera del regreso de su padre. Poco a poco descubre su propio camino y toma las riendas de su destino.
Will include a conversation and Q&A with director Catalina Razzini (Bolivia).

5:30 p.m., Feb. 12, 2025, Sears Recital Hall, Jesse Philips Humanities Center
Directed by Xavi Sala
Guie’dani, a Zapotec girl, is dragged to Mexico City by her mother to help in her work as a housekeeper for an upper-middle-class family. There, the subtle psychological subjugation inflicted by the white family functions as a metaphor for the oppression of the old world by the new. Yet, Guie’dani rejects the life of servitude and seeks her own identity through a friendship with another rebellious teen.
Guie’dani, una joven zapoteca, es llevada a la Ciudad de México por su madre, quien trabaja como empleada doméstica para una familia de clase media alta. Allí, la sutil presión psicológica que ejerce la familia blanca refleja la opresión más amplia que enfrenta el pueblo indígena en la sociedad moderna. Pero Guie’dani se niega a aceptar una vida de servidumbre y busca construir su propia identidad a través de una amistad con otra adolescente rebelde.
With an introduction, conversation and Q&A by director Xavi Sala (Mexico).

5:30 p.m., Feb. 19, 2025, Fitz Center for Leadership in Community.
Directed by Cristina Ibarra and Alex Rivera
A prison escape drama and docu-thriller, this film tells in reverse the incredible true story of Marco and Viri, two Dreamer-led National Immigrant Youth Alliance members. The narrative unfolds as they take on a mission to stop deportations from within a for-profit immigration detention center.
En esta película sobre la fuga de una prisión, en una mezcla de drama, documental y thriller , narra en sentido inverso la increíble historia real de Marco y Viri, dos miembros de la Alianza Nacional de Jóvenes Inmigrantes liderados por Dreamers. La narración se desarrolla a medida que emprenden una misión para detener las deportaciones desde dentro de un centro de detención de inmigrantes con fines de lucro.
With introductory remarks by Dr. Miranda Hallet, director of UD’s Human Rights Studies Program, as well as an introduction and Q&A with the activist Claudio Rojas, who is portrayed in detail in the film.

5:30 p.m., Feb. 27, 2025, Art Street, Studio E, University of Dayton
Directed by Gil Baroni
Alice Júnior is a cheerful, spoiled trans YouTuber with everything she could want: a loving dad, a vlog, almost winning Teen Top Model, and a cat named Rhinoceros. But her life changes when her dad moves them from vibrant Recife to a small conservative town and an old-fashioned Catholic school. Despite the initial hostility, Alice stays true to herself, challenges conservative views, and goes after her much-anticipated first kiss.
Alice Júnior es una YouTuber trans alegre y mimada, con todo lo que podría desear: un papá amoroso, un vlog de consejos, casi ganar Teen Top Model y un gato llamado Rinoceronte. Pero su mundo cambia cuando su papá decide mudarse de la vibrante Recife a un pequeño pueblo conservador y un colegio católico tradicional. A pesar de la hostilidad inicial, Alice no se deja intimidar. Con su estilo único, desafía las ideas conservadoras de su entorno y busca algo muy esperado: su primer beso.
Will include a conversation and Q&A with Sarah Wagner York, Brazilian intellectual, journalist and activist. You are also invited to read her recent article to better understand the context of the film Alice Júnior, and the connections between political circumstances in Brazil, the United States and the trans community in both countries.
Organized and curated by Arne Romanowski, Ph.D. and Carlos Gardeazabal Bravo, Ph.D.
Latin American Film Festival sponsors
From the University of Dayton:
Department of Global Languages and Cultures, Fitz Center for Leadership in Community, Graul Global Cinema Series, Human Rights Center, Human Rights Studies, Humanities Alumni Chair, International Marian Research Institute, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Roesch Library