Communication Internships
Most University of Dayton Department of Communication majors complete at least one professional internship by the time they graduate. Many students complete several internships, working at organizations in the Dayton area during the school year and elsewhere in the U.S. during summers. Our students are highly motivated to learn and serve the workplace and community, as businesses and non-profits that have had our communication majors as interns will attest. Both the student and employer benefit greatly through these professional relationships.
UD communication students studying public relations, media production, communication management or journalism get the opportunity through internships to:
- Learn more about their chosen profession
- Apply the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired in the classroom
- Acquire new knowledge and skill sets
- Build their résumé
- Develop professional contacts
Businesses, organizations and agencies that offer professional internships to communication students get the opportunity to:
- Acquire short-term talent with minimal risk
- Gain fresh ideas and perspectives from the student intern
- Provide current employees with opportunities to gain supervisory experience by working with an intern
- Energize staff by having motivated and interested interns in the workplace
- Enhance their community and university relationships
Internships can be a win-win for University of Dayton communication majors and for businesses and institutions. Whether a student pursues an internship for academic credit or not, on-the-job experience should be part of every student’s college experience.
Businesses, organizations and agencies that work with students earning academic credit through the CMM 498 Communication Internship course get interns who have assessed their professional competencies in advance of the internship, have clearly defined their goals and expectations, and have a high degree of accountability. The Department of Communication Internship Coordinator also is available to help the employer to enhance the internship relationship.
Online Internship Performance Evaluation form: Please contact Pat Enright or call the Department of Communication main office (937-229-2028) to obtain the link to the online form.
By taking CMM 498 Communication Internship along with an internship, students can complete one of their communication course requirements or earn general elective credit. In CMM 498, with the guidance of the course instructor, students set specific, challenging and realistic objectives to enhance their professional development during the internship, and develop a solid, impressive career portfolio by the end of the course. They also work on their résumé and draft a cover letter for subsequent internships and jobs.
Whether you pursue an internship for academic credit or not, on-the-job experience should be part of every student's college experience.