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Minor in Neuroscience

The neuroscience minor is designed for students with academic and/or professional interests in the field of neuroscience. Upon completion of the neuroscience minor students will:

  1. Gain strong foundational knowledge of the biological functions of the nervous system and its relationship to behavior and brain disorders;
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the grand challenges and questions facing modern experimental neuroscience; and
  3. Develop an appreciation of the interdisciplinary nature of this fascinating scientific field.

The neuroscience minor is housed in the Department of Biology. Students can earn this minor by completing two core neuroscience courses, two upper-level biomedical elective courses and two upper-level psychology elective courses for a total of 16 semester hours. Students who wish to minor in neuroscience should contact the neuroscience minor coordinator.


Department of Biology

Science Center
300 College Park
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 2320