Please use the electronic form below to report an incident of discrimination, harassment, bias, or sexual misconduct. In making a report, please do not worry about whether the incident you are reporting would satisfy the legal or University definition of discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct. The question is whether you believe there may have been discrimination, harassment (including a bias-related incident), or sexual misconduct and the details of what you experienced, observed, or were told.
If you wish to submit an anonymous Report, be aware that by choosing not to reveal your identity, you may limit the ability of the University to respond or remedy the situation.
UD Confidential Resources include:
- a counselor at the University Counseling Center 937-229-3141 (students);
- a doctor at the Health Center 937-229-3131 (students);
- an ordained member of the clergy through Campus Ministry 937-229-3339 (students and employees);
- a counselor through the Employee Assistance Program, (employees);
- off-campus local rape crisis counselors, domestic violence resources, local or state assistance agencies, ordained clergy members.
The Office of Learning Resources (OLR) supports students with disabilities by providing accommodations and other support as necessary. For additional information refer to the OLR website.
The Facilities Department addresses maintenance and structural issues that may hinder access to buildings such as broken elevators or access buttons. To report an issue, please complete a Facilities Work Order.