UD Sinclair Academy
Additional Information for Your Journey
As a UD Sinclair Academy student, you're part of the UD and Sinclair communities from day one. Here, you'll find resources to help you prepare to join the Academy — and make it a successful, rewarding experience.
Academy Student Responsibilities
Each UD Sinclair Academy student, future or current, has responsibilities throughout every step of the process. The following list includes some of those responsibilities for students enrolled in the Academy:
- Meet with your assigned UD academic adviser every semester in preparation for your transition to UD. Missing an appointment with your UD academic adviser can lead to a withdrawal from the UD Sinclair Academy.
- Bring your MAP (My Academic Plan) from Sinclair to your academic advising appointment at UD.
- Print and save your pathway major document before you make your first advising appointment with UD and Sinclair advisers.
- Stay focused on the courses prescribed in the pathway major documents. If you are taking courses outside the pathway document, please consult with your UD academic adviser right away.
- Utilize support services through the Tutoring and Learning Center at Sinclair as needed to support your academic success at Sinclair College.
- Earn a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA at the time of transition from Sinclair to UD.
- Once you transition to UD, your course load each semester is required to be full-time (minimum 12 credit hours). If you plan to work, share your plan with your employer and academic advisers earlier so you can plan ahead.
- Connect with other UD Sinclair Academy students who are attending Sinclair through the UD Sinclair Academy student organization at Sinclair.
- Get involved with student organizations at Sinclair and UD that allow you to meet other students and explore your talents and interests.
- Monitor your UD email and other accounts (Porches and Isidore) to stay informed of opportunities for social and academic engagement opportunities.
- Respond to outreach from the Director of Student Success for Community College Partnerships regarding your enrollment and success in the Academy.

Accepted Students
Once you are accepted into the UD Sinclair Academy, be sure to complete all necessary steps at both institutions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our frequently asked questions page features the most common questions about the admission process, transferring credits, financial aid and programs and services. If you have additional questions, feel free to contact the Academy team.