Academic Senate
Academic Senate
The Academic Senate is the representative body responsible for academic and educational policies of the University of Dayton having significant, university-wide impact. Its membership includes faculty, administrators, and students.
OFFICERS 2024-2025:
Erin O'Mara Kunz, President (College of Arts & Sciences: Social Sciences) - Office Hours: Wednesdays, 10-11 a.m.
Jackie Arnold, Vice President (School of Education and Health Sciences)
Kayla Harris, Secretary (University Libraries)
Academic Senate Membership 2024-2025
Fridays, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Location: Kennedy Union Ballroom
Fall 2024
September 27
October 18
November 22
December 13 (venue: Auditorium, Daniel J Curran)
Spring 2025
January 24
February 14
February 21 - Joint Senate, Faculty and Staff Meeting
March 14
April 4
April 25 - Elections
Committees of the Academic Senate
Executive Committee of the Academic Senate (ECAS)
The term of office on the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate (ECAS) is two years, except for student representatives who serve one year and also cases noted below where the individual elected will be completing the remainder of a term. ECAS usually meets once per week. Like all Senators, ECAS members will attend one Academic Senate meeting per month and one-to-two meetings per month for the subcommittee to which they are assigned.
2024 Fall Meeting Schedule:
Fridays, 10-11:30 a.m. (Aug. 23-Dec. 20)
St. Mary's Room 113B
2024-2025 ECAS Members:
Erin O'Mara Kunz, President (College of Arts & Sciences: Social Sciences)
Jackie Arnold, Vice President (School of Education and Health Sciences)
Kayla Harris, Secretary (University Libraries)
Ali Carr-Chellman (Dean, School of Education & Health Sciences)
Garrett Conti (Graduate Studies)
Jennifer Dalton (Faculty, Full-Time, Non-Tenure Track Representative)
Wiebke Dieselkamp (College of Arts & Sciences: Natural Sciences)
Deo Eustace (School of Engineering)
Nancy Haskell (School of Business Administration)
Suki Kwon (College of Arts & Sciences, Humanities & Arts)
Rachel Yeager (Undergraduate Student, SGA)
Andrea Seielstad (School of Law)
Darlene Weaver (Provost; ex officio)
TBD (Guest, Faculty Board Association)
ECAS Porches Page
Academic Policies Committee (APC)
Work may entail consideration of degree requirements, standards for development of curriculum program evaluations and curricular options.
2024-2025 Committee Chair: Becky Krakowski (College of Arts & Sciences)
APC Porches Page
Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC)
Work may entail consideration of the faculty grievance process, standards of evaluation, sabbaticals, professional development, research and promotions.
2024-2025 Committee Chair: Andrea Seielstad (School of Law)
FAC Porches Page
Student Academic Policies Committee (SAPC)
Work may entail consideration of grading, attendance, examinations, cheating, plagiarism and grievance policies.
2024-2025 Committee Chair: Daniel Birdsong (College of Arts & Sciences)
SAPC Porches Page
University Nominating and Recruitment Committee (UNRC)
Responsible for identifying faculty who are eligible and interested in serving on University-wide committees, nominating faculty to fill open faculty-designated positions in the event of a vacancy, and managing the collection of self-nominations.
UNRC Porches Page