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Mehdi Zargham


Full-Time Faculty

College of Arts and Sciences: Computer Science


Email: Mehdi Zargham
HH 115


  • Ph.D., Computer Science, Michigan State University
  • M.Sc., Computer Science, Michigan State University
  • B.Sc., Computer Science, College of Planning and Computer Application

Research interests

Dr. Zargham conducts advanced research in the following fields:

  • Machine Learning
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Virtual/Augmented Reality
  • Coding for All

Our project goal is to broaden participation in computer science and computational thinking among K-12 students. This is done by development of an innovative software package that creates a collaborative learning environment called Innovative Coding (IC), in which students can write codes consisting of several statements to create a world of their choice in a 3D and Virtual Reality environment.

VR goes beyond a simply visual stimulus, and allows students to become directly involved, experiencing the code they write in a very tangible, interactive, and expeditious scheme (strategy). This allows them to experience both the successes and failures of writing (creating, developing) correct code versus incorrect code.

Students can appreciate both the scale and the scope of the results of their code immediately, which prompts them to become invested in the quality of their coding skills, and strive to continually improve their logic, programming and code writing abilities. Through this Immersive and Responsive Visual Stimulus Learning, students become more engaged in coding.


  • 2013-present: Department of Computer Science, University of Dayton, Professor
  • 2003-13: Department of Computer Science, Southern Illinois University, Professor and Chair
  • 2002-03: Department of Computer Science, Southern Illinois University, Undergraduate Program Director
  • 1992-97: Department of Computer Science, Southern Illinois University, Graduate Program Director